Square CSS

Friday, December 14, 2018

N Queen Problem : Using Backtracking

N Queen problem is one of the common interview questions which is asked in many popular companies. This problem is solved using backtracking.

Problem Statement:

We are given N x N chessboard and N queens. The queens should be placed in such a way that no two queens should lie in the same column, the same row and the same diagonal.



1. Start from leftmost part ;

2. If got the solution return true;

3. Check for the queen to be placed in the current column. If placed in the current column then

    check recursively for the solution and mark row of the current column with "Q".

4. If at any point during recursion solution comes out to be wrong then backtrack and unmark

    the marked places.

5. Return false if no solution is found else print the solution.



Refer the video tutorial:

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Algorithm: Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi consists of three towers called as pegs with n number of rings. Rings are of different size. 

Conditions to be fulfilled:

The basic conditions which are required to be fulfilled are as follows :
  • It is required to move one ring at a time.
  • The smaller ring should not lie below the larger ring.

Steps to be performed :

Steps-1: move n-1 ring to the auxiliary tower.

Step-2: move the last ring in the first tower to the tower where the rings are required to be placed. 

Step-3: move n-1 rings from auxiliary tower to the tower where the rings are required to be placed.

Algorithm :

towerOfHanoi ( ringsCount, from tower, to tower, aux tower){
    if(ringsCount==1) {
        print(from tower , to tower);
    towerOfHanoi(ringsCount, from tower, aux tower, to tower);
    print(from tower , to tower);

    towerOfHanoi(ringsCount, aux tower, to tower, from tower);


Coding In Java:

Refer the video tutorial:

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Create Tetris Game Using Java

Application Coding and Game Creation:

Nowadays top companies are looking for talented people who are well in the data structure and application coding. To check application coding the companies may ask to create sample games within a given time frame on their system. So sometimes it becomes useful to have basic ideas of game creation.

Tetris Game:

In this tutorial, a basic game is created using Java. The name of the game is Tetris.
This is the same game which also used to come in the game plays which were quite handy.

Sample code:

The sample code is provided for reference.

  import java.awt.Color;
  import java.awt.Graphics;
  import java.awt.Point;
  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
  import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Collections;

  import javax.swing.JFrame;
  import javax.swing.JPanel;

  public class MyGame extends JPanel {

public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("MyGame");
f.setSize(12*26+10, 26*23+25);

final MyGame game = new MyGame();

f.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
game.score += 1;

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
new Thread() {
@Override public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {}

private final Point[][][] MyShapes = {
// I-Piece
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(3, 1) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(1, 3) },
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(3, 1) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(1, 3) }

// J-Piece
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(2, 0) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(2, 2) },
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(0, 2) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(0, 0) }

// L-Piece
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(2, 2) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(0, 2) },
{ new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(0, 0) },
{ new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(2, 0) }

// O-Piece
{ new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1) },
{ new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1) },
{ new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1) },
{ new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 1) }

private final Color[] MyColors = {
Color.cyan, Color.MAGENTA, Color.orange, Color.yellow, Color.black, Color.pink,
               Color.red };

private Point pt;
private int currentPiece;
private int rotation;
private ArrayList<Integer> nextPieces = new ArrayList<Integer>();

private long score;
private Color[][] well;

private void init() {
well = new Color[12][24];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 23; j++) {
if (i == 0 || i == 11 || j == 22) {
well[i][j] = Color.PINK;
} else {
well[i][j] = Color.black;
public void newPiece() {
pt = new Point(5, 2);
rotation = 0;
if (nextPieces.isEmpty()) {
Collections.addAll(nextPieces, 0, 1, 2, 3);
currentPiece = nextPieces.get(0);

private boolean collidesAt(int x, int y, int rotation) {
for (Point p : MyShapes[currentPiece][rotation]) {
if (well[p.x + x][p.y + y] != Color.black) {
return true;
return false;

public void rotate(int i) {
int newRotation = (rotation + i) % 4;
if (newRotation < 0) {
newRotation = 3;
if (!collidesAt(pt.x, pt.y, newRotation)) {
rotation = newRotation;

public void move(int i) {
if (!collidesAt(pt.x + i, pt.y, rotation)) {
pt.x += i;

public void dropDown() {
if (!collidesAt(pt.x, pt.y + 1, rotation)) {
pt.y += 1;
} else {
public void fixToWell() {
for (Point p : MyShapes[currentPiece][rotation]) {
well[pt.x + p.x][pt.y + p.y] = MyColors[currentPiece];

public void deleteRow(int row) {
for (int j = row-1; j > 0; j--) {
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
well[i][j+1] = well[i][j];

public void clearRows() {
boolean gap;
int numClears = 0;
for (int j = 21; j > 0; j--) {
gap = false;
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
if (well[i][j] == Color.black) {
gap = true;
if (!gap) {
j += 1;
numClears += 1;
switch (numClears) {
case 1: score += 100;break;
case 2: score += 300;break;
case 3: score += 500;break;
case 4: score += 800;break;
private void drawPiece(Graphics g) {
for (Point p : MyShapes[currentPiece][rotation]) {
g.fillRect((p.x + pt.x) * 26,
   (p.y + pt.y) * 26,
   25, 25);

public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, 26*12, 26*23);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 23; j++) {
g.fillRect(26*i, 26*j, 25, 25);
g.drawString("Score : " + score, 19*12, 25);


The game will start as soon as the java application will be started.

Refer the video tutorial.

 ☛ Next >> Algorithm: Tower of Hanoi

                    Tower of Hanoi consists of three towers called as pegs with n number of ... 

Some Algorithms

Algorithm: Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi consists of three towers called as pegs with n number of rings. Rings are of different size.  Conditions to be fulfill...

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